About Us

About kii-baa® organic company

kii-baa® organic is a gentle natural skin care for children and babies from birth.

 kii-baa® organic is a skin care developed by parents with love for their children.



 Who’s behind kii-baa® organic

It’s us, Lukáš and Daniela. We are not just chemists. We’re caring parents who want skin care for our children to not only look nice and smell good, but we want to make sure that it truly helps and is completely safe

No unnecessary chemicals. No compromise.



 How kii-baa® organic was founded

Cesta k produktům kii-baa® organic začala, když se nám narodilo naše druhé dítě. V tu dobu nás překvapilo, jak citlivou pokožku může malé miminko mít. Naše malinká holčička totiž měla kůži takovou, že se jí na některých místech na těle loupala doslova až do krve.

The journey to kii-baa® organic products began when our second child was born. At the time, we were surprised at how sensitive a baby’s skin could be. In fact, our baby girl’s skin was such that it was literally peeling off in places.


 We looked all around for skin care designed for our little daughter, but unfortunately none suited us. We were disappointed by the large amount of harmful ingredients and, on the contrary, the small amount of active ingredients that ordinary baby skin care can contain.

After a lot of searching, researching, and testing, we discovered that the key to healthy skin lies in the balance of the skin microbiome. At kii-baa® organic, we’ve developed a unique, natural baby skin care that helps maintain the proper function of the skin microbiome to support the natural development and immunity of healthy baby skin from birth.

About kii-baa® organic skin care

All our products contain only high-quality ingredients that are gentle to both human health and the environment and are produced with an emphasis on ethical production.

kii-baa® organic is a Czech brand. We live, produce, and test in the Czech Republic.

We carefully track and monitor the origin of every single ingredient used. We select the active ingredients, such as cold-pressed oils and plant extracts together with our expert research team so that they have a truly proven impact on the skin of our little ones.

Our skin care formula, as well as our production, meet the strictest rules of certified natural skin care.

And because we also have the environment in mind, our cream tubes are made from more than 50% recycled materials, and all our packaging is 100% recyclable. 



Why kii-baa

Když jsme vymýšleli název, chtěli jsme něco, co pro nás bude mít hlubší význam a bude odrážet to, jak moc nám na naší kosmetice záleží. Pak nás napadlo spojení, které symbolizuje právě to, co je pro nás skutečně ze všeho nejdůležitější.

When we were trying to come up with the name for our company, we wanted something that had a deeper meaning to us and reflected on how much we care about our skin care. Then we came up with something that symbolizes what’s really the most important to us.

So, what does ‘kii-baa’ stand for? It’s a combination of the shortened names of our children. Actually, they came up with the brand name themselves. My son used to call our daughter Kiki when she was really little. Later, when she could pronounce some of the syllables, she started calling her older brother Baa. After a slight modification, this is how our unique kii-baa came to be.


 We added ‘organic’ to make it clear right away that our skin care is natural.

